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Join A Community of Love for a summer's end pool party. Learn about our impact while having fun and celebrating the end of summer

Recent News and Events

Coaching and Connection

In 2023: Founders Nick and Zoe trained ER nurses at NorthWest Community Hospital in Glenview on the use of August's Boxes and how how positively impactful legacy-making can be on bereaved families and their long-term wellbeing.

In 2023: Nick and Zoe joined the PCORI Missing Pieces Trial: A Multi-Site Pragmatic Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Interventions to Support Parents After Their Child's Unexpected or Traumatic Death. Specifically, the ACoL founders provided letters of support and collaboration for the work.

In 2024: A Community of Love partnered with Northwestern University's Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations. 

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In 2024: A Community of Love plans to participate in the National Funeral Directors nationwide conference to educate funeral directors on legacy-making.

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